Functional interaction between Lin, Drm and Bowl in wing
development. (A,A′) Bowl protein expression (green) in
a wing disc containing a linG1 clone.
(B,B′) Subcellular localization of Lin protein in Drm GOF
clones (red in B). In a higher magnification of B, Lin protein (green in
B,B′) is relocalized to the cytoplasm. (C,C′) Bowl
protein stabilization (green in C,C′) in Drm GOF clones (red in C).
(D-D″) ap-Gal4>UAS-linRNAi wing disc shows
the absence of Lin protein (blue in D, grey in D′) and the stabilization
of Bowl (red in D, grey in D″). (E-E″)
en-Gal4>UAS-bowlRNAi leg disc (labeled with GFP, green in
E,E′) shows absence of Bowl protein in the P compartment (red in
E,E″). (F) A sd-Gal4>UAS-bowlRNAi wing with
Bowl expression knocked down in the wing pouch. (G) The
sd-Gal4>UAS-linRNAi wing shows a severe
phenotype in terms of reduction of wing size. (H) This
lin- phenotype is suppressed by co-expression of
UAS-linRNAi and UAS-bowlRNAi using
sd-Gal4. Scale bars: 500 μm.