The PKC-dependent pathway of neural induction is mediated by the
Rac/JNK/AP-1 pathway. (A) RT-PCR of the indicated genes using RNA
from Xenopus whole embryos (WE, lane 1), animal caps (AC, lane 2),
animal caps expressing PKCα (PKCα, lane 3) or animal caps
expressing PKCα and treated with the inhibitor U0126 (+U0126, lane 4).
Note that Sox2 is induced by PKCα even when MAPK is inhibited
(lane 4). (B) Western blot of control- or PKCα-injected animal
caps, detecting c-Fos, phosphorylated MAPK (p-MAPK) and MAPK. Neuralisation of
the animal caps correlates with an increase in c-Fos levels, whereas p-MAPK is
unchanged. (C) Rac activation assay. (Left) Rac1-His recombinant
protein (24 kDa; 20 ng) was loaded and detected by anti-Rac antibody as a
positive control. (Right) The same volume of reaction mix was loaded for each
condition. Lane 1 (AC+GDP), negative control; lane 2 (AC+GTP), positive
control that shows the total amount of Rac protein in the animal cap samples;
lane 3 (AC), endogenous active Rac present in animal caps at stage 11.5; lane
4 (Syn4), endogenous active Rac present in animal caps at stage 11.5 injected
with 500 pg of Syn4 mRNA (note that Syn4 abolishes endogenous Rac activity);
lane 5 (Syn4+GTP), total amount of Rac protein after Syn4 injection. The
experiment was repeated three times. (D-I) Whole-mount in situ
hybridisation analysis of embryos injected, as indicated, into the A4
blastomere of 32-cell stage embryos. (D) Human (h) PKCα mRNA induces
ectopic Sox2 expression (68%, n=92). (E) Co-injection of
constitutively active Rac and hPKCα inhibits ectopic Sox2
expression (21% of induction, n=34). (F) Injection of constitutively
active Rac does not induce Sox2 expression (0%, n=32). (G)
Dominant-negative Rac1 mRNA induces ectopic ventral Sox2 expression
(90%, n=40). (H,I) Ventral view of embryos injected with c-Fos-GR
mRNA and activated with dexamethasone (DEX) at stage 10.5. Ectopic
Sox2 expression is observed only after DEX treatment (I), being
absent when no DEX is added (H; inset shows dorsal side). (J-O) In situ
hybridisation for Sox2 in animals caps. (J) Control animal caps show
no Sox2 expression. (K) Animal caps from embryos injected with
chordin (chd) mRNA show Sox2 expression. (L) Animal caps from embryos
injected with chordin, constitutive Rac and c-Fos-GR mRNA but without adding
DEX. Activation of Rac leads to inhibition of Sox2. (M) Similar to L,
but c-Fos-GR is activated by DEX treatment. Rescue of Sox2 expression
is observed. (N) Injection of c-Fos-GR mRNA, but without adding DEX. (O)
c-Fos-GR-injected animal caps activated with DEX show an increase in
Sox2 expression.