Fig. 2.
Nolz1 is expressed in subsets of postmitotic spinal MNs. (A-H) In situ hybridization of Nolz1 mRNA expression on transverse sections of embryonic chick spinal cords. (I-R) Confocal micrographs showing analysis of Nolz1 protein expression as compared with molecular markers of specific spinal motor columns. Arrows mark Nolz1 and Lim3 coexpressing MNs. (S) Summary of Nolz1 expression in relation to motor column development. The dashed orange line indicates transient Nolz1 expression. MMC, median motor column; MMCm, medial division of the MMC; MMCl, lateral division of the MMC; LMC, lateral motor column; LMCm, medial division of the LMC; LMCl, lateral division of the LMC; CT, column of Terni.