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. 2009 Apr 22;24(6):721–726. doi: 10.1007/s11606-009-0983-z

Table 1.

Feedback Coding Scheme: Direct Quotes from Student Evaluations to Illustrate Examples of Comments in each Category

Category Examples
Reinforcing global (rg)* Her patient interviews were engaging
Extraordinary professor and lecturer
Had interesting things to say about all subjects
Some of the strongest lectures from the year
Thank you for all of your effort!
Reinforcing specific (rs)** Very succinct about what is clinically important
Thorough and easy to follow
Always stuck to the objectives
She breaks down a complex area in a clean way
I really enjoy the interactive nature of the lectures and the simulations given in class to demonstrate concepts
Corrective global (cg) The syllabus section was quite inadequate
It would be great if he did something to spice up his lectures
Students didn’t really seem to think her lectures were substantive enough
Some of the demos were not that useful
The powerpoint slides can be made more professional looking
Corrective specific (cs) There are no bulleted key points that grasp my attention and focus my learning
Try to answer fewer questions and finish the lecture materials
Syllabus material could have been greatly enhanced with diagrams in addition to the text
The syllabus section was hard to follow and correlate with the lectures

*For example, “x was great” was coded as a ”reinforcing global” comment

**For example, “x was great, because she spoke slowly” was coded as a single (composite) specific reinforcing comment. The word "great" was not counted as global on its own