FIG. 1.
Effects of PG-11157 (1157), PG-11302 (1302), PG-11158 (1158), and fumagillin on the excretion of spores by E. bieneusi-infected mice. B6.CB17-Prkdc SCID/beige mice were inoculated orally with 104 spores and 3 weeks later were treated orally or i.p. with one of three test compounds or fumagillin; the dose and the timeline are reflected on the horizontal bar, and the percent inhibition is indicated on the vertical bar. The arrows show that the level of spore shedding was significantly reduced by drug treatment compared with that which occurred in the placebo-treated mice (P < 0.05 or 0.001). Inf, infected; Ctrl, control; numbers after the slashes, doses in mg/kg/day; HPF, high-power field.