Histological analyses of palate development in the control and
Osr2-IresCre;Smoc/c mutant embryos.
(A,B) HE-stained frontal sections of E12.5
Osr2-IresCre;Smo+/c (A) and
Osr2-IresCre;Smoc/c mutant (B) embryos showed comparable
initial outgrowth of palatal shelves. (C,D) At E13.5, the
palatal shelves of the Osr2-IresCre;Smoc/c mutant embryo
(D) appeared slightly retarded distally in comparison with the
Osr2-IresCre;Smo+/c embryo (C). (E,F) At
E14.5, whereas the palatal shelves had elevated and initiated fusion at the
midline in the control embryo (E), the palatal shelves of the
Osr2-IresCre;Smoc/c mutant embryo (F) appeared severely
retarded and failed to contact each other. (G,H) Some
Osr2-IresCre;Smoc/c mutant embryos exhibited tissue
protrusion into the nasopharynx, shown in H (marked by an asterisk), which was
never observed in control embryos. p, palatal shelf; t, tongue.