Table 1.
Dipping of Crocus wheat at various stages of microspore development
Stage of dippinga | Plasmid | Number of florets dipped | Agro strain | Number of T1 seeds | Southern confirmation | Lines generated |
Mid-late uninucleate | pDs(Hyg)35S | 168 | C58C1 | 10 | T4, T5, T6 | 3B2 |
Early uninucleate | pDs(Hyg)35S | 336 | C58C1 | 1 | T2, T5 | 14C1 |
Late uninucleate | pBECKSred | 174 | AGL1 | 33 | T1, T2, T3 | 1CR1 |
Bi-nucleateb | pBECKSred | 5,000 | AGL1 | 3,000 | 0 (red foci on some endosperm) | 0 |
Tri-nucleatec | pBECKSred | 5,600 | AGL1 | 4,200 | 0 | 0 |
The stage of dipping, plasmids used, the number of florets dipped, the Agrobacterium strains, the number of T1 seeds, the generation in which T-DNA integration was confirmed and the designation of each transformant are given
aThe stages of microspore development at spike dipping. The uninucleate microspore stage occurs over the 7 days when the spike is still in the sheath and has not emerged
bThe bi-nucleate stage occurs as the spike is fully emerged from the sheath
cThe tri-nucleate stage occurs 2 days prior to anthesis (Xiang-Yuan and De-Cai 1983)