Table 3.
ID | Matches to genome | Bioinformatics mapping | rSAGE mapping | X. laevis homologue | Validation |
DV01 | 23 | pintallavis | pintallavis | pintallavis | Positive control |
DV02 | 14 | 3 EST clusters | - | ND | ND |
DV03 | 10 | vent1.1 | - | vent-1.1 | Positive control |
DV04 | 26 | No transcript | Scaffold_19023: 2428-2444 | Not found | In situ |
DV05 | 1,482 | 6 transcripts | Cluster Str. 39849 | Not found | PCR and in situ |
DV06 | 2 | goosecoid | goosecoid | goosecoid | Positive control |
DV07 | 1 | zcsl-2 | zcsl-2 | LOC496356 | False positive |
DV08 | 82 | LOC496648/ubadc1 | ubadc1 | MGC115132 | False positive |
DV09 | 20 | sox11 | sox11 | sox11 | In situ |
DV10 | 7 | admp | admp | admp | Positive control |
DV11 | 3 | LOC100124861 | - | MGC82245 | False positive |
DV12 | 9 | LOC549498 | LOC549498 | MGC115377 | In situ |
DV13 | 12 | Id2 | id2 | id2 | PCR and in situ |
DV14 | 10 | No transcript | Cluster Str.3968 | MGC82755 | False positive |
DV15 | 11 | vent1.2 | - | vent1.2 | Positive control |
DV16 | 3 | MGC147163 | MGC147163 | MGC81848 | PCR and in situ |
DV17 | 11 | Str.45862/Str.40022 | Str.45862/Str.40022 | Not found | PCR |
DV18 | 68 | LOC548724 | LOC548724 | MGC116509 | In situ |
DV22 | 9 | smagp | ND | mitotic phosphoprotein 22 | PCR and in situ |
DV25 | 27 | cyclin A2 | ND | MGC130969 | False positive |
DV38 | 25 | nap1l1 | ND | nap1 | PCR and in situ |
Summary of the tag-mapping and experimental validation of selected tags. Dashes (-) indicate rSAGE failed to provide a longer and specific sequence. ND, not determined.