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. 2008 Jun 10;3:335–350. doi: 10.4137/bmi.s840

Table 1.

Table 1A. Gene ontology of differentially expressed transcripts identifed by microarray
Gene symbol Description Ratio anergic: naïve
Ontologic categories
Genes increased 2-fold or more in B6 relative to MRL anergic B cells.
Loh11cr2a Loss of hyeterozygosity 11 2.85 0.95 Cyc
Prei4 Preimplantation protein 4 1.48 0.61 Hydrolase, carbohydrate metabolism
Glipr1 GLI pathogenesis-related 1 2.36 1.01 Apop, Sig Trans
Ptpn22 Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 3.61 1.56 Apop, Growth, Diff, Sig Trans, Dev, Phos
Tmbim1 Transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 2.32 1.05 Alternative splicing
Smc2 Structural maintenance of chrom.2 1.06 0.48 Cyc, Nuc, chromosome organization
Nup153 Nucleoporin 153 1.14 0.52 Nuc, protein binding, transporter
Rb1 Retinoblastoma 1 1.28 0.59 Cyc, Phos, Trans reg, Diff, Prolif, Dev, Apop, Death
Eif4g2 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2 1.10 0.50 Nuc, Cyc., death, transcription initiation
EG622976 1.45 0.67 none
Ugdh UDP-glucose dehydrogenase 1.32 0.61 Dev, electron transport
Kpna2 karyopherin (importin) alpha 2 1.25 0.58 DNA recombination regulation
Ctla4 Cytotoxic T-lymph-assoc. protein 4 1.96 0.91 Immune response
Mbnl1 Muscleblind-like 1 1.85 0.87 Diff, RNA binding
Pkib Protein kinase inhibitor beta 1.24 0.59 Diff, kinase inhibitor
Birc1f Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 1f or Naip6 2.03 0.96 Apop, death
Cept1 choline/ethanolamine phosphor-transferase 1 1.52 0.73 Lipid metabolism
Cdc2a Cell division cycle 2 homolog A 1.51 0.73 Apop, Nuc, Cyc, Phos, mitosis, DNA damage response
Plekha1 Pleckstrin homology domain containing family A 1.22 0.61 lipid binding, alternative splicing
Med23 Mediator subunit SUR2 1.20 0.59 Trans reg, metastasis suppressor

Table 1B.
Gene symbol Description Ratio anergic: naïve
Ontologic categories

Genes decreased 2-fold or more in B6 relative to MRL anergic B cells.
Akap13 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 or BRX 0.91 1.83 Sig Trans
Actc1 Actin, alpha, cardiac 0.93 1.90 Dev, Nuc, Cytoskeletal organization
Tcof1 Treacher Collins Franceschetti syndrome 1 homolog 0.69 1.42 Prolif, Phos, transport, transcription
Aldoart2 Aldolase 1, A isoform, retrogene 2 0.91 1.89 none
GALNAC4S-6ST B cell Rag-Associated protein 0.81 1.70 Catalytic activity
Ankrd11 Ankyrin repeat domain 11 1.05 2.20 Nuc
Mef2c Myocyte enhancer factor 2C 0.91 1.92 Apop, Diff, Phos, Trans reg, Dev
Grap2 GRB2-related adaptor protein 2 0.65 1.38 Sig Trans, cell communication
Ddx46 DEAD box polypeptide 46 0.77 1.68 Nuc, RNA binding/splicing, hydrolase
CD74 CD74 antigen 0.84 1.85 Prolif, Apop, Sig Trans, Immune response
Phf17 PHD finger protein 17, Jade1 0.81 1.79 Apop, Dev, cell growth
Ap1gbp1 Ap1 gamma binding protein 1 0.67 1.50 ion binding, protein localization
Esco1 Establishment of cohesion 1 1.16 2.63 Cyc, alternative splicing, metal/ion binding
Igk-V1 Ig kappa V1 2.06 4.77 Immune Response
Actg2 Actin, gamma 2, smooth muscle 0.86 2.29 Nuc, Cytoskeletal organization, Dev.
Mier1 Mesoderm induct. early response-1 0.80 2.14 Nuc, Sig Trans, Phos., Trans reg
Actb Similar to cytoskeletal beta actin 0.94 2.56 Nuc, Cytoskeletal organization

1. Genes represented by two probes are CD74 and Igk-V1. Expression ratios for one probe for each gene is shown in the table. Ratios for the second probe were 0.72 (B6) and 1.77 (MRL) for CD74, and 1.38 (B6) and 3.18 (MRL) for Igk-V1. GALNAC4S-6ST corresponds to Unigene 4631426J05Rik. Four genes or probes were omitted from the table due to absence of a known 100% homologous murine coding sequence. Operon identifiers for the omitted probes are M300017393, M300013500, M300019467, and M300013958.

2. Common GO categories: Development = Dev, Differentiation = Diff, Apoptosis = Apop, Proliferation = Prolif, Cell Cycle = Cyc, Cell Death = Death, Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation = Phos, Transcriptional regulation = Trans reg, Signal Transduction = Sig Trans, Nucleotide binding = Nuc.

3. The ratios shown in the tables are the mean normalized values (across 4–6 chips) for the gene expression in anergic B cells relative to naive B cells for each strain. This is based on two-color competitive hybridization on each chip, pairing anergic B cell aRNA and naive B cell aRNA from the same mouse strain. The ratio of expression for each gene for each strain was generated, and these ratios were then compared between strains.