Fig. 6. Northern hybridization reveals operonic structure of oxdC-yvrL.
A) Diagram of oxdC-yvrl gene region showing predicted size of oxdC and oxdC-yvrL transcripts (arrows) and location of probes used for hybridization (Fig. 6B) below. Predicted structure of a stem-loop that may act as a transcriptional attenuator in the oxdC-yvrL intergenic region is shown. B) Northern hybridization using oxdC probe (panel 1) and yvrL probe (panel 2) against total RNA (5 μg) extracted from: lane 1, HB7709 cells (ectopic YvrI not induced); lane 2, HB7709 cells (ectopic YvrI induced); and lane 3, HB7813 cells (ectopic YvrI not induced). In HB7813, the yvrL gene has been replaced by a 2 kb tetracycline resistance cassette. Identification of bands indicated at right (arrows).