Figure 3.
DHC-1 accumulates on meiotic spindle poles during rotation. (A) Images of mCherry-histone (top row) and GFP: DHC-1 (bottom row) within a wild-type meiotic embryo are shown from a representative time-lapse sequence. The cortex has been highlighted in each image for clarity. 0 s is the start of rotation. GFP:DHC-1 was faintly localized across the meiotic spindle before spindle shortening (T = −120 s). 45–30 s before the start of spindle rotation, DHC-1:GFP began to accumulate on meiotic spindle poles and remained on meiotic spindle poles after spindle rotation (T = +60 s). (B) Graphs of GFP:DHC-1 pixel intensity. Intensity was measured from line-scans down the pole–pole axis of the meiotic spindle for each frame of the representative wild-type time-lapse sequence in A. Only three time points are shown. The vertical dashed lines indicate the positions of the middle of the spindle (blue) and the two spindle poles (red and green). The asterisk (*) indicates which pole contacted the cortex after rotation. (C) Immunostaining of anti-DHC-1 in fixed wild-type embryos, costained with anti-tubulin (TUB) and DAPI to visualize the chromosomes. The top row shows a metaphase spindle with DHC-1 faintly localized throughout the spindle. The middle row shows a rotated spindle before chromosome segregation with anti-DHC-1 localized to the spindle poles. The bottom row is an anaphase spindle with DHC-1 localized to the spindle poles. Bars, 5 μm.