Table 3.
GEE test of model effects with smoking cessation as outcome variable and treatment group, race, and time as explanatory variables (N = 471)
Variable | Wald chi-square | df | p value |
Intercept | 3743.5 | 1 | <.001 |
Treatment | 3236.2 | 1 | <.001 |
Race | 2.1 | 1 | .147 |
Time | 33350.4 | 14 | <.001 |
Treatment × time | 5084.7 | 4 | <.001 |
Treatment × race | 4.8 | 1 | .029 |
Note. GEE, generalized estimating equation; age, education, average cigarettes per day, change in smoking behavior since coming to prison, and prior mental health treatment were added as covariates.