Figure 6. Effects of E2A mutations on IL-7Rα expression in DN thymocytes.
(A) A representative overlay histogram shows IL-7Rα expression in DN2&3 thymocytes from E2A+/+ (shaded area), E2A+/− (thin line), E2A−/− (thick line) E17.5 embryos. (B) Scatter plot displays MFI of IL-7Rα expression in DN2&3 thymocytes among multiple litters. (C) A representative overlay histogram shows IL-7Rα expression in DN2&3 thymocytes from E47+/+ (shaded area), E47bm/+ (thin line), E47bm/bm (thick line) adult mice at 4–6wk of age. (D) A scatter dot plot summarizes the MFI of IL-7Rα in DN2&3 cells from multiple litters.