Figure 3. Inflammation Markers.
Plasma hsCRP (A), adiponectin (B), and hsIL-6 (C) excursions during the no vitamin arm (black square), low dose vitamin arm (black circle), medium dose vitamin arm (open triangle), and high dose vitamin arm (open diamond). The range for the standard error of the mean (SEM) for hsCRP at all data points was: no vitamin arm = 0.13–0.14, low dose vitamin arm = 0.11–0.13, medium dose vitamin arm = 0.10–0.11, and high dose vitamin arm = 0.14–0.17. The range for the SEM for adiponectin at all data points was: no vitamin arm = 1.4–1.5, low dose vitamin arm= 1.4–1.7, medium dose vitamin arm= 1.4–1.6, and high dose vitamin arm= 1.6–1.8. The range for the SEM for hsIL-6 at all data points was: no vitamin arm = 0.4–0.8, low dose vitamin arm = 0.3–0.4, medium dose vitamin arm = 0.2–0.6, and high dose vitamin arm = 0.2–0.5. For each of the markers of inflammation, no significant difference was observed between the different dosages of vitamin E supplementation, p>0.05.