Figure 3.
Therapeutic effect of Rlx expression in orthotopic tumors. (A,B) MMC-Rlx29 cells were injected without (A) or with (B) Matrigel into the mammary fat pad of neu-tg mice. Tumor growth in mice without Dox treatment (■) and with Dox treatment (○) that was started at day 2 after tumor cell implantation is shown. Each line represents one animal. Growth of mammary fat pad MMC tumors with and without Dox did not differ from that of MMC-Rlx29 tumors without Dox (data not shown). (C) Immunofluorescence analysis for laminin (red) on sections of MMC-Rlx29 tumors (without and with Dox) harvested at day 27 after tumor implantation. The scale bar represents 100 μm.