Figure 1.
Partial genomic sequence of the murine ghrelin gene showing exon 0 and extended exon 1 transcription start sites in a number of tissues. Exon sequences are boxed and in upper case letters. The extended exon 1 sequence is indicated by dashed boxes. Nucleotide positions are shown on the left and the translation initiation site of preproghrelin is indicated as +1. Intron 0 is highlighted in grey and its intron boundaries are shown in bold letters. Six transcription start sites (TSSs), denoted TSS1-6 (underlined and indicated), were demonstrated using an OriGene Sure-RACE Multi-Tissue RACE panel. TSS1 initiates a 48 bp exon 0 (exon 0b) [GenBank:FJ355944]; TSS2 [GenBank:FJ355945] initiates a 19 bp exon 0 (exon 0a); TSS3-6 (exon 1e-b, respectively) all initiate transcripts with an extended exon 1 [GenBank: FJ355940–FJ355943]. The exon 0 CAGE tag starting sites T06R06CF33DC, T06R06CF32CB and T06R06CF3202 are termed CAGE1-3, respectively.