High-resolution RH comprehensive and comparative maps of SSC10. (a) Cytogenetic map of porcine chromosome (SSC) 10. The nucleolus organizer region is indicated as NOR; (b) Genetic map of SSC10. Those MS markers that are mapped in the current 7,000- and 12,000-rad FW maps and non-FW maps are listed in the genetic map. The four singletons that were not in FW maps are marked in italics in a box; (c) The 7000-rad IMpRH framework (FW) map; (d) The 12,000-rad IMNpRH2 FW map. MSs highlighted in black, genes/ESTs in red, and BESs in magenta. Markers listed between the 7,000- and 12,000-rad FW maps are framework markers; those on the right of the IMNpRH2 FW map are non-framework markers; (e) BAC fingerprinted contig (FPC). Contig number, e.g. 10001, corresponds to the FPC maps at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/S_scrofa/WebFPC/porcine/; Question mark (?) indicates that the BES 287A21G01 is lack of information in the FPC maps. (f) Comparative to human chromosome (HSA) 1, 9 and 10. Synteny blocks between pig and human, as well as the orientation of the human sequences in reference to the SSC10 RH map, are indicated by arrows, with HSA1 in blue, HSA9 in red and HSA10 in green. Sequence position of each synteny block in the human genome sequences (Build 36.3) is listed (in Mb) on the right side of the chromosomes.