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. 2009 May 18;10:233. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-10-233

Table 4.

The 60 most up- and down-regulated transcripts in Itk-deficiency after anti-CD3- (1) and anti-CD3/CD28-stimulation (2)

Probe set Gene Symbol, Gene Title Itk-/- vs Wt (1) t-test Itk-/- vs Wt (2) t-test
1457120_at Itk, IL2-inducible T-cell kinase -6.96 0.007 -6.63 0.009
1451191_at Crabp2, cellular retinoic acid binding protein II -5.31 0.013 -2.79 0.054
1449990_at Il2///LOC630222, interleukin 2 -3.89 0.002 -5.17 0.030
1436194_at Prelid2, PRELI domain containing 2 -3.54 0.036 -2.42 0.077
1437935_at 4930486G11Rik, RIKEN cDNA -3.44 0.032 -3.16 0.079
1439995_at Nhedc2, Na+/H+ exchanger domain containing 2 -2.92 0.021 -2.71 0.028
1441971_at Gene name not assigned for this probe set -2.91 0.050 -2.88 0.082
1426243_at Cth, cystathionase -2.9 0.000 -2.8 0.072
1438380_at Ddx47, DEAD box polypeptide 47 -2.69 0.002 2.03 0.300
1450566_at Il3, interleukin 3 -2.68 0.031 -2.81 0.005
1420843_at Ptprf, protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, -2.49 0.027 -2.07 0.222
1448788_at Cd200, Cd200 antigen -2.47 0.014 -2.43 0.011
1427049_s_at Smo, smoothened homolog (Drosophila) -2.46 0.000 -2.45 0.015
1422070_at Adh4, alcohol dehydrogenase 4 (class II) -2.33 0.015 -2.26 0.157
1456226_x_at Ddr1, discoidin domain receptor family, member 1 -2.29 0.014 -2.91 0.038
1419136_at Akr1c18, aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C18 -2.09 0.052 2.41 0.008
1433571_at Serinc5, serine incorporator 5 -2 0.011 -2.05 0.125
1425832_a_at Cxcr6, chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 6 5.34 0.000 3.27 0.085
1437463_x_at Tgfbi, transforming growth factor, beta induced 5.36 0.045 2.4 0.012
1421802_at Ear1, eosinophil-associated, ribonuclease A family, member 1 5.38 0.017 2.8 0.000
1448620_at Fcgr3, Fc receptor, IgG, low affinity III 5.57 0.036 3.72 0.004
1438855_x_at Tnfaip2, tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 2 5.6 0.0034 3.12 0.000
1450009_at Ltf, lactotransferrin 5.68 0.080 2.03 0.034
1416514_a_at Fscn1, fascin homolog 1 5.7 0.000 3.69 0.096
1451948_at Gm1409, gene model 1409 5.81 0.002 3.45 0.136
1451675_a_at Alas2, aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid 5.84 0.003 2.92 0.096
1420330_at Clec4e, C-type lectin domain family 4, member e 5.89 0.014 3.15 0.091
1420699_at Clec7a, C-type lectin domain family 7, member a 5.98 0.014 4.05 0.004
1427747_a_at Lcn2, lipocalin 2 5.98 0.056 2.23 0.011
1427503_at AI324046, expressed sequence AI324046 6.33 0.005 3.48 0.055
1419082_at Serpinb2, serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 2 6.34 0.001 2.51 0.125
1419627_s_at Clec4n, C-type lectin domain family 4, member n 6.36 0.021 2.6 0.0129
1448213_at Anxa1, annexin A1 6.43 0.069 3.07 0.029
1419874_x_at Zbtb16, zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16 6.62 0.032 5.3 0.001
1417898_a_at Gzma, granzyme A 6.71 0.009 5.59 0.001
1419598_at Ms4a6d, membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6D 6.73 0.005 3.27 0.083
1429889_at Faim3, Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 3 6.73 0.047 3.01 0.041
1415904_at Lpl, lipoprotein lipase 6.76 0.054 4.1 0.026
1449254_at Spp1, secreted phosphoprotein 1 6.8 0.028 3.79 0.020
1427910_at Cst6, cystatin E/M 7.1 0.023 4.17 7.43E-06
1438553_x_at Gene name not assigned for this probe set 7.11 0.011 4.63 0.055
1434150_a_at Mettl7a///Ubie, methyltransferase like 7A 7.14 0.000 4.04 0.185
1442025_a_at AI467657, expressed sequence AI467657 7.48 0.041 6.52 0.000
1436778_at Cybb, cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide 7.77 0.077 4.03 0.003
1439426_x_at Lyz, lysozyme 7.78 0.006 2.98 0.011
1449846_at Ear2///Ear3, eosinophil-associated, ribonuclease A family, member 2 8.62 0.008 3.54 0.031
1434194_at Mtap2, microtubule-associated protein 2 8.73 0.035 5.78 0.000
1427866_x_at Beta globin 9.29 0.001 5.44 0.074
1450912_at Ms4a1, membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1 9.4 0.087 4.31 0.036
1422873_at Prg2, proteoglycan 2, bone marrow 9.81 0.028 4.19 0.026
1419764_at Chi3l3, chitinase 3-like 3 10.51 0.070 4.1 0.004
1422411_s_at Ear1///Ear12///Ear2///Ear3, eosinophil-associated, ribonuclease A family, member 1 10.54 0.010 4.61 0.000
1418722_at Ngp, neutrophilic granule protein 11.39 0.031 3.74 0.006
1450989_at LOC100047300///Tdgf1, teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 11.64 0.009 2.89 0.076
1419394_s_at S100a8, S100 calcium binding protein A8 12.08 0.071 4.6 0.034
1425436_x_at Klra3, killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 3 12.34 0.002 14.75 0.000
1415897_a_at Mgst1, microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 12.62 0.082 3.77 0.006
1448756_at S100a9, S100 calcium binding protein A9 12.97 0.077 5.15 0.010
1426171_x_at Klra7, killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 7 14.08 0.027 14.02 0.015
1425417_x_at Klra8, killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 8 21.07 0.026 17.99 0.000

The down-regulated transcripts are shown with "-"