Effect of CXCL12 and μ-opioids agonists on [35S] GTPγS binding in brain slices from P8–P14 rats. Brains of 8-to 14-days old pups were treated with opioids or with CXCL12 (graph a) or with CXCL12 in the presence or absence of AMD3100 (graph b). Analysis was performed in different brain areas as indicated in Fig. 2. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM of n=3 animals per group. Statistics for (a): basal vs CXCL12, 50 nM, p<0.001; basal vs morphine, 10 μM; basal vs DAMGO, 10 μM, p<0.001; CXCL12 vs DAMGO, 10 μM, p<0.05; CXCL12 vs morphine, 10 μM, p>0.05 for each area reported in graph. Newman– Keuls multiple comparison test after ANOVA. Statistics for (b): basal vs CXCL12, p<0.001; CXCL12 vs CXCL12 + AMD3100, p<0.001; CXCL12 vs AMD3100, p<0.001 for each area reported in graph. Newman–Keuls multiple comparison test after ANOVA