Figure 2. Haplotype structure and recombination rate estimates from the Phase II HapMap.
a, Haplotypes from YRI in a 100 kb region around the β-globin (HBB) gene. SNPs typed in Phase I are shown in dark blue. Additional SNPs in the Phase II HapMap are shown in light blue. Only SNPs for which the derived allele can be unambiguously identified by parsimony (by comparison with an outgroup sequence) are shown (89% of SNPs in the region); the derived allele is shown in colour. b, Recombination rates (lines) and the location of hotspots (horizontal blue bars) estimated for the same region from the Phase I (dark blue) and Phase II HapMap (light blue) data. Also shown are the location of genes within the region (grey bars) and the location of the experimentally verified recombination hotspot57,58 at the 59′ end of the HBB gene (black bar).