Fig. 1.
Carboxyl-terminal P1 residue cleavage specificity of porcine elastase based on MS/MS data of 6577 peptides. A, absolute percentage of occurred cleavages after the stated amino acid. B, relative percentage of cleavages considering amino acid distribution in the sequences of identified protein hits (totalling 648,423 residues). C, cleavage dependence of P1 and P1′ residues based on absolute number of occurred cleavages. D, relative frequency of P1-P1′ cleavages, based on amino acid distribution in the protein sequences, normalized to the most frequently observed cleavage Ala-Ala. E, cleavage dependence of P1 and P2 residues based on absolute number of occurred cleavages. F, relative frequency of P2P1-X cleavages, based on amino acid distribution in the protein sequences, normalized to the most frequently observed cleavage Ala-Leu-X.