Table II.
General overview of PM/CB nLC-ESI-MS/MS and nLC-MALDI-MS/MS experiments performed
Shown are the number of repetitive runs, search engine enzyme definitions used, mean peptides identified per single nLC run, total identified peptides, identified TM peptides, false discovery rates against decoy database, mean proteins identified per single nLC run, total identified proteins, number of one-hit wonders, one-hit wonders identified solely by one small <700-Da peptide, and decoy database hits of <700-Da peptides. Data from all single run experiments are given in supplemental Table S5. Combined peptide and protein data are given in supplemental Tables S1 and S2.
PM trypsin MALDI | PM elastase MALDI | PM elastase ESI | CB elastase MALDI | CB elastase ESI | |
No. of runs | 4 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Search specificity | KR | None | None | None | None |
Peptides (mean ± S.D.) | 145 ± 40 | 229 ± 49 | 808 ± 182 | 521 ± 100 | 1205 ± 143 |
Identified peptides | 264 | 673 | 1675 | 1443 | 2786 |
TM peptides | 20 | 174 | 604 | 149 | 749 |
False positive (%) | 10.6 | 3.3 | 13.8 | 2.1 | 11.9 |
Proteins (mean ± S.D.) | 98 ± 19 | 58 ± 13 | 225 ± 38 | 155 ± 40 | 449 ± 57 |
Identified proteins | 160/52 | 165/56 | 451/148 | 339/154 | 820/358 |
One-hit wonders | 108 | 109 | 303 | 185 | 462 |
One-hit wonders <700 Da | 0 | 0 | 146 | 0 | 190 |
Decoy hits <700 Da (%) | 0 | 0 | 33.9 | 0 | 34.4 |