Figure 2.
Analysis of apo1-D4/Ur1 mutant and revertants. A, Inflorescences of Apo1-D4/Ur1 (left) and the revertant line Ur1:3 (center) and the wild type (WT; ‘Bozu2’, right); bar = 5 cm. B, PCR analysis of the APO1 promoter in wild type (‘Bozu2’) and the apo1-D4/Ur1 mutant. C, Nucleotide sequences of the APO1 promoter around 3,520 bp from the translation initiation site. An 8-bp target site duplication, GCTAGGGA, is found in apo1-D4/Ur1-1 (shown in italic font and underlined). The footprint of 8 bp found in the revertant plant is marked with a box. D, Cosegregation of the nDart1-0 insertion and mutant phenotype. m, Mutant phenotype; W, wild-type phenotype.