Figure 3.
Expression levels of APO1 are increased in apo1-D mutants but tissue specificity of APO1 mRNA accumulation is not altered. A, Tissue specificity of APO1 expression analyzed by RT-PCR. RNA was isolated from leaf blades (LB), shoot apices of 4-week-old plants (SA), inflorescence apex (IA) at the secondary panicle branch initiation stage, young panicles at about 1 cm in height (YP), and roots (R). apo1-D1 to apo1-D3 were derived from ‘MK1’, and apo1-D4 was derived from ‘Bozu2’. PCR cycles performed on ACTIN1 and APO1 genes were 22 and 35, respectively. WT, Wild type. B and C, In situ analysis of APO1 expression. Longitudinal sections of the wild-type (B) and apo1-D1 (C) inflorescences at PB initiation stage. Arrowheads, APO1 signal in the leaf margin; bar = 100 μm. D, Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the APO1 mRNA expression in whole seedlings of wild type and apo1-D4 at 10 d after germination (Bar: sem). ACTIN1 was used as a reference for normalization.