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. 2004 Dec;82(4):581–629. doi: 10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00325.x


Impact of Structural Determinants on Organizational Innovativeness from a Meta-Analysis of 23 Studies of Service and Manufacturing

Potential Determinants Definition Association with Organizational Innovativeness
Administrative intensity Indicator of administrative overhead. Positive, significant
Centralization Extent to which decision-making autonomy is dispersed or concentrated in an organization. Negative, significant
Complexity “Specialization,”“functional differentiation,” and “professionalism.” Positive, significant
External communication Degree of organization members’ involvement and participation in extraorganizational professional activities. Positive, significant
Formalization Reflects emphasis on following rules and procedures in conducting organizational activities. No significant association
Functional differentiation Extent to which divided into different units. Positive, significant
Internal communication Extent of communication among organizational units. Positive, significant
Managerial attitude toward change Extent to which managers or members of the dominant coalition favor change. Positive, significant
Managerial tenure Length of managers’ service and experience within an organization. No significant association
Professionalism Professional knowledge of an organization's members. Positive, significant
Slack resources Reflects an organization's resources beyond minimal requirement to maintain operations. Positive, significant
Specialization Number of an organization's specialties. Positive, significant
Technical capacity Reflects an organization's technical resources and technical potential. Positive, significant
Vertical differentiation Number of levels in an organization's hierarchy. No significant association