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. 2009 May 6;10:30. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-10-30

Table 2.

Evaluation methods and effect measures used in the ten studies

Evaluation method Effect measures

Study Proces Outcome
Phillips [7] Pre- and post intervention mean group differences on patients in intervention vs. control groups. †Mean Hba1c.
Mean Ldl
Blood pressure.
Sequist [14] Both summary and individual composite endpoints †Cholesterol measured, Hba1c measured.
Eye exam.
ACE inh if hypertension.
†Odds of receiving recommended diabetes care *
Summary endpoint: diabetes reminders resulting in action/diabetes reminders in total
Individual endpoints: No. of appropriate diabetes health services received by pt/total no. of diabetes health services pt
Frijling [8] Mean compliance rate for each performance indicator at baseline and the mean change from baseline. †Foot exam.
†Eye exam.
Measured blood press. Anti diabetic treatment. Scheduled next appointment
Lobach [9] Mean compliance rate for each performance indicator at baseline and the mean change from baseline. Composite outcome of all performance indicators at baseline and the mean change from baseline. †Physical exam
†Urine protein measured.
†Cholesterol measured. Eye exam.
Influenza vac. Pneumococ vac.
Foot exam. Hba1c measured.
†Median level of compliance *
†Median adherence rate of the clinicians *
Nilasena [10] Mean compliance rate for each performance indicator at baseline and the mean change from baseline. Foot exam., physical exam.
Hba1c measured.
Urine protein measured. Cholesterol measured. Eye exam.
Influenza vac. Pneumococ vac.
Hetlevik [15] Mean group differences in fractions of patients without registrations (process evaluation). Mean group differences in variables (patient outcome evaluation) Registered smoking habits.
Blood pressure measured.
Hba1c measured. Cholesterol measured.
†Blood pressure.
Number of smokers.
Mean Hba1c.
Mean cholesterol.
Kenealy [11] Was/not tested for blood glucose if eligible. †Blood glucose measured
Kiefe [16] Proportional changes in the receiving of guideline specific diabetic services. †Influenza vac.
†Foot exam.
†Hba1c measured, cholesterol measured. Triglycerides measured
de Fine Olivarius [12] Pre- and post intervention mean group differences on patients in intervention vs. control groups. Measurement of blood glucose-
Measurement of Hba1c.
Measurement of blood pressure.
Measurement of cholesterol.
Measurement of triglycerides
†Level of plasma glucose.
†Level of Hba1c.
†Level of blood pressure. †Cholesterol Mortality.
Diabetic retinopathy.
AMI. Stroke.
Angina pectoris. Claudicatio,
Glasgow [13] Effect of system evaluated on 2 primary outcomes: number of recommended laboratory screenings and recommended patient-centred care activities completed. Secondary outcomes were evaluated using the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire. †Foot exams.
†Nutrition counselling Blood pressure measured.
Eye exam.
Foot exam.
Micro albumin.
†No of recommended lab assays *
†Patient-centred aspects of diabetes care received *

† = Significant positive changes.

* Composite outcome