Table 2.
Histopathologic grading scale of TNBS-E-induced colitis
Grade of colitis | Microscopic findings |
0 | No damage |
I | Mild mocosal and/or submucosal inflammatory infiltrate and edema: punctuate mucosal erosions often associated with capillary proliferation, muscularis mucosa intact |
II | Grade I changes involving 50% of the specimen |
III | Prominent inflammatory infiltrate and edema frequently with deeper areas of ulceration extending through the muscularis mucosa into the submucosa, rare inflammatory cells invading the muscularis propria but without muscle necrosis |
IV | Grade III changes involving 50% of the specimen |
V | Extensive ulceration with coagulative necrosis bordered inferiorly by numerous neutrophils and fewer mononuclear cells, necrosis extends deeply into the muscularis propria |
VI | Grade V changes involving 50% of the specimen |