Percent microscopic lesions grouped by tumor stage and treatment group. Percent proliferative lesions are expressed as the total number of lesions for each histological type within each treatment group/total number of proliferative lesions for each treatment group multiplied by 100 ± SE. The percentage for each microscopic lesion type is shown for hyperplasias (H), AD and large AD with atypical features and/or carcinomas (C) for the DOX (D), DOX/sulindac (DS), DOX/BHT (DB), DOX/BHT/sulindac (DBS), DOX/curcumin (DC) and DOX/BHT/curcumin (DBC) treatment groups. *Denotes statistical significance between hyperplasias (H), ** AD and *** carcinomas (C) when compared with the DOX-treated group.