In vitro transcription from
esp1396I promoters. (A)
Escherichia coli RNAP σ70
holoenzyme (100 nM) was combined with DNA fragments
containing 8 nM Pesp1396ICR
(A–C) or
Pesp1396IM (D and E)
in the presence, where indicated, of C.Esp1396I, whose
concentrations ranged 0 to 500 nM. In (D), a component
indicated by red color was added to DNA first, following an
incubation long enough to allow complex formation and subsequent
addition of component indicated by black color. In (A and D),
complexes were probed with KMnO4. On the left of these
panels, the sequence of the relevant portion of each promoter is
mapped on the A+G sequencing marker lane. In (B and E), a
single-round transcription reaction was performed. In (C), abortive
initiation reaction was performed using RNAP holoenzymes
reconstituted with indicated σ factors. Reaction products
were separated by denaturing gel electrophoreses and revealed using
a Phosphorimager.