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. 2008 Nov 11;15(5-2):680–690. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2008.09.020

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Knockdown of pico by RNAi Reduces Tissue Size

Moderate ubiquitous expression of picoIR results in a reduction in overall body size.

(A and B) A tub-GAL4 fly and a tub-GAL4 UAS-picoIR (tub > picoIR) fly are shown for comparison. Quantitative measurements of female flies (n = 50 per genotype) show a 23% reduction in body weight in tub > picoIR flies (p < 0.01).

(C) Representative RT-PCR analysis showing reduction in pico and pico-L expression in tub-GAL4 and UAS-picoIR flies using primers recognizing both transcripts. A range of cDNA concentrations normalized against GAPDH was used to assess transcript levels.

(D and E) Expression of picoIR knocks down levels of Myc-tagged pico in wing imaginal discs. (D) High levels of ectopic pico in the posterior compartment marked by GFP (in green) were detected by Myc staining (in red) in en-GAL4, UAS-Myc-pico discs. (E) No Myc staining was detected in discs coexpressing picoIR.

(F and G) Compared with control (F), expression of two copies of picoIR (G) results in a significant reduction in adult wing size (p < 0.01). Male wings are shown. Wing area is expressed as a percentage of control (±SD). The reduction in wing size is due to fewer and smaller cells, as revealed by relative bristle density measurements (see insets).

(H–J) Consequences of picoIR overexpression in the posterior compartment of the wing under the control of en-GAL4. (H) Compared to control, expression of picoIR with en-GAL4 results in a reduction in size of the posterior compartment of the adult wing. A, anterior; P, posterior. Numerical scale is in arbitrary units. Error bars indicate 1 SD. (I and J) picoIR-induced growth retardation is not due to aberrant cell cycle phasing. Flow cytometry was performed on dissociated wing disc cells overexpressing GFP alone (I) or picoIR and GFP (J). GFP-positive experimental populations are marked in green; GFP-negative internal controls are marked in gray. Comparison of representative cell cycle profiles shows that picoIR does not alter cell cycle phasing. Percentage of cells in G1, S, and G2 phases of the anterior and posterior compartments is shown in insets. Graphs of forward scatter (FSC; bottom panels) show that picoIR results in a modest reduction in cell size at the third instar larval stage. The ratio of the mean FSC value of GFP-positive verses GFP-negative cells is shown in the top right corner of the bottom panels.

(K and L) The distribution of clonal cell number for control (K) and picoIR-expressing clones (L). Cell-doubling time (DT) is markedly increased by picoIR. Insets show representative clones of each genotype as visualized by nuclear GFP.