The horizontal axis represents the timing of the countermeasure center (in hours), relative to the time of the predicted core body temperature minimum (Circadian Phase = 0). The vertical axis represents the specific parameter being studied: duration (Panel A), intensity (Panel B), endogenous circadian period (Panel C). The magnitude of the phase shift (in hours) is color coded according to the legend. The maximum delay and advance regions are colored dark blue and dark red, respectively. Panel A. Duration (1 to 12 hr) response contours for light pulses with different intensities (1,000–10,000 lux). Simulations were run with an endogenous period of 24.2 hr. Panel B. Intensity (1000–10,000 lux) response contours for different light pulse durations (1–12 hr). Simulations were run with an endogenous period of 24.2 hr. Panel C. Endogenous period (23.8–24.6 hr) response contours for different intensities (1,000–10,000 lux). Simulations were run with 3-hr light pulse durations.