Figure 3.
Lysate microarrays resulting from a state-based screen of 84 kinase and phosphatase inhibitors. (a) A 2.5 × 7.5 cm glass slide with 16 identical lysate microarrays probed with eight different antibodies. Arrays probed with antibodies to pY1173-EGFR and to pT202/pY204-Erk are highlighted. (b) Enlarged views of microarrays shown in a. Top, array probed with antibody to pY1173-EGFR; bottom, array probed with antibody to pT202/pY204-Erk. Locations of lysates derived from cells treated with U-0126 and AG-1478 are highlighted. The EGFR inhibitor AG-1478 causes a decrease in the EGF-induced phosphorylation of EGFR and Erk, whereas the MEK inhibitor U-0126 causes a decrease in phosphorylation of Erk but does not affect that of EGFR. The layout of each microarray is shown in bottom right.