Figure 1. Co-expression of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag and Vps4.
A) Effect on virus-like particle (VLP) release. Rous sarcoma virus Pr76Gag was expressed in 293/E cells (lane 1) in the presence of wild-type Vps4 (lanes 2 and 3) or Vps4 E228Q (lanes 5 and 6) and labeled with a mixture of 35S-Met and Cys for 2.5 h before harvesting at 48 h. Lane 4 is an untransfected control. The ratio of vps4: gag DNA (in µg) used for transfection were lanes 2 and 5, 0.2:1 and lanes 3 and 6, 0.5:1. Upper panel, VLP in media; Lower panel, Gag- and HA-tagged Vps4 in cell lysate. Proteins were detected by autoradiography. B) Semi-quantitative analysis of VLP release. The panel shows the ratio of the Gag signal in VLP isolated from the media to the Gag signal in cell lysates (VLP/cell lysate). C) Examination using electron microscopy (EM). Cells were prepared for thin section EM as described in Materials and Methods. The area outlined in the dashed rectangle is enlarged.