Figure 1. Crystal structure of yeast Vps4 and sequence alignment of Vps4 proteins.
(A) Stereo view of the monomeric yeast Vps4 structure in a ribbon representation. The large AAA ATPase subdomain is colored blue; the small AAA ATPase subdomain is colored orange; the β domain is colored pink; and the C-terminal helix is colored green. Structurally disordered regions are represented as dash lines. α-Helices are labeled as α1-α11 and β-strands β0-β8. The N- and C-termini of the structure are also indicated. (B) Sequence alignments of Vps4 proteins from S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, C. elegans, D. melanogaster and H. sapiens. Secondary structural elements identified in the crystal structure of yeast Vps4 are displayed above its sequence. α-Helices shown as cylinders, β-strands arrows and loops as lines. They are labeled and colored using a same scheme as in A. Structurally disordered regions are shown as dash lines. Conserved residues are shaded with gray boxes.