A. Western blot analysis of mitochondrial purity using Pol β, Lamin B, and GRB2 (nuclear and cytosolic markers, respectively) and COXIV (mitochondrial marker) antibodies. Amounts of protein loaded in the gels are listed bellow the blots; relative % purities (using ImageQuant quantification) are given in the text. B. MMR activity using M13 dG/dG mismatched substrate with a 3′ nick with HeLa WCE (HeLa positive), LoVo WCE (LoVo negative) and HeLa ME (HeLa mitoplasts). Results are shown as relative % repair compared to control (mock). N = 3; results are shown as ±SEM. C. MMR activity using M13 dG/dG mismatched substrate as before in the absence (black bars) or presence (striped bars) of ethidium bromide, with the same extracts as above. The results presented are average ± SEM of two independent experiments; relevant p-values (Student’s t-test analysis) are given in the text.