A, Geometry of the virtual auditory environment. Reverberant binaural room impulse responses (BRIR) were simulated at two distances between source and receiver (1m and 3m). Anechoic (i.e., “no reverb”) BRIR were created by time-windowing the direct wavefront from the 1m reverberant BRIR.
B, To simulate a sound source at a given azimuth, a reproducible 400-ms broadband noise burst is convolved with the left and right BRIR and presented to the experimental subject over headphones.
C, Direct to reverberant energy ratio (D/R) vs. azimuth for reverberant BRIRs.
D, Broadband ITD vs. azimuth for each room condition, estimated as the time delay corresponding to the peak normalized interaural correlation coefficient (IACC). Inset, Peak IACC for each room condition. Error bars represent ±1 std across azimuths.