The tree obtained in PHYML for Rab7 proteins and proteins classified in Rab9 and Rab7b subgroups (placed in the yellow rectangles). 'Rab7c' (in the orange rectangle), contains very divergent Rab7 proteins of vertebrates. 'Other Rabs' (in the grey rectangle), represent four human members of Rab23, Rab29, Rab32 and Rab38 subfamilies used as an out-group. Selected clades containing many members are shown in simplified way. Numbers at nodes, in the shown order, correspond to support values obtained for 1000 replicates in: the local rearrangement paired-sites method performed in TreeFinder (LRSH), the bootstrap analysis made in PHYML (PH) and bootstrap analysis based on neighbor joining method (NJ). Values of the bootstrap percentages lower or equal to 50% were omitted or indicated by a dash "-". Only selected support values, usually of deep branches, are shown. The expanded version of the tree is presented in Additional file 1.