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. 2009 May 16;9:23. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-9-23

Table 2.

Exposure to Traumatic Events and War Crimes

All Not Abducted Abducted
Direct Violent Exposure

Was displaced 2,450 1,546 904
(85.4%) (80.4%) (95.6%)

Lost income due to conflict 2,441 1,562 879
(85.1%) (81.3%) (92.9%)

House destroyed 2,412 1,505 907
(84.1%) (78.3%) (95.9%)

Lost productive assets 2,387 1,490 897
(83.2%) (77.5%) (94.8%)

Was beaten by the LRA 587 57 540
(20.8%) (3.0%) (57.1%)

Was maimed by the LRA 173 23 150
(6.0%) (1.2%) (15.9%)

Was sexually violated 61 22 39
(2.1%) (1.1%) (4.1%)

Problem with UPDF 645 369 276
(22.5%) (19.2%) (29.2%)

Forced by LRA to walk long distances 833 89 744
(29.0%) (4.6%) (78.6%)

Forced by LRA to carry loads 727 26 701
(25.30%) (1.4%) (74.1%)

Mean Cumulative General Exposure (S.D.)* 4.94 4.16 6.61
(2.00) (1.79) (1.28)

Exposure as Witness

Witnessed an attack by LRA 1,988 1,114 874
(69.3%) (58.0%) (92.4%)

Witnessed LRA/UPDF fight 1,259 653 606
(43.9%) (34.0%) (64.1%)

Witnessed an abduction 1,812 935 877
(63.2%) (48.6%) (92.7%)

Witnessed s.o. beaten by LRA 1,531 718 813
(53.4%) (37.4%) (85.9%)

Witnessed s.o. beaten by UPDF 1,187 662 525
(41.4%) (34.4%) (55.5%)

Witnessed s.o. killed by the LRA 931 406 525
(32.5%) (21.1%) (55.5%)

Witnessed HH member killed by LRA 709 307 402
(24.7%) (16.0%) (42.5%)

Witnessed s.o. sexually violated by LRA 249 84 165
(8.7%) (4.4%) (17.4%)

Witnessed s.o. sexually violated by other 243 111 132
(8.5%) (5.8%) (14.0%)

Mean Cumulative Witness Exposure (S.D.)* 3 2.47 5.19
(2.57) (2.43) (1.86)

Secondary Exposure

At least 1 family member killed 2,115 1,272 843
(73.7%) (66.2%) (89.1%)

Spouse/Partner killed 88 53 35
(3.1%) (2.8%) (3.7%)

Mother killed 141 73 68
(4.9%) (3.8%) (7.2%)

Father killed 304 159 145
(10.6%) (8.3%) (15.3%)

Brother killed 870 466 404
(30.3%) (24.2%) (42.7%)

Sister killed 257 132 125
(9.0%) (6.9%) (13.2%)

Son killed 226 132 94
(7.9%) (6.9%) (9.9%)

Daughter killed 72 41 31
(2.5%) (2.1%) (3.3%)

Grandmother killed 74 48 26
(2.6%) (2.5%) (2.7%)

Grandfather killed 117 83 34
(4.1%) (4.3%) (3.6%)

Family member was abducted 1,106 582 524
(38.6%) (30.3%) (55.6%)

Mean Cumulative Secondary Exposure (S.D.) 1.15 0.93 1.61
(1.10) (1.04) (1.10)

Forced Acts of Violence During Captivity by the LRA

Forced to loot NA NA 353

Forced to beat or injure someone NA NA 167

Forced to kill someone NA NA 76

Mean Cumulative Forced Acts of Violence (S.D.) NA NA 0.62

*p-value < .001 for difference in mean cumulative exposure between abducted and non-abducted people