Figure 1.
Saccharin consumption scores expressed through percentage body weight gain (% BWG) as a function of conditioning treatment (postnatal days 14-15, 2.5 g/kg ethanol or saline as unconditioned stimulus paired with saccharin, conditioned stimulus) and testing conditions on postnatal day 16 [standard intake test, sandpaper exposure immediately before test (SE), or sandpaper concurrently presented with saccharin during the intake test (S)]. During conditioning, sandpaper was presented during the rising limb of the blood ethanol curve (5-15 min postadministration). Vertical lines represent SEM. Adapted from: Pautassi, R.M., Godoy, J.C., Spear, N.E., Molina, J.C., 2002. Early responsiveness to stimuli paired with different stages within the state of alcohol intoxication. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 26, 644-654, Blackwell Publishing. Used with permission from publisher.