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. 2008 Nov;45(4):829–849. doi: 10.1353/dem.0.0028

Table 5.

Effects of Occupational Mobility on Migration in the Past Five Years, Comparison of Single and Married Individuals

Marital Status College-Educated
Less Than College-Educated
Men Women Men Women
Never-Married 0.902 (0.052) 0.943 (0.073) 1.01 (0.048) 0.735 (0.046)
  N 82,920 81,524 147,487 90,796
  No spousal controls 0.717 (0.036) 0.528 (0.043) 0.695 (0.031) 0.486 (0.037)
  With spousal controls 0.685 (0.038) 0.366 (0.038) 0.664 (0.029) 0.430 (0.032)
  N 211,745 207,796 412,678 416,636

Notes: The table reports average marginal effects of mobility in occupation-education class from the logit model described in Eq. (2), which includes controls for average wage in occupation-education class, age and age squared, presence of children younger than 18, presence of children younger than 6, education level (less than high school, some high school, high school diploma, some college, college degree, master’s degree, professional degree, or doctoral degree), interactions of the education indicators with age, state fixed-effects, and state-urban fixed-effects. In the last row, controls for spouse’s occupational and demographic characteristics are also included. Standard errors are shown in parentheses.