FIG. 10.
Acute stimulation of motor and sensory neurons with dTRPA1 affects crawling behavior. A: profile of temperature changes during experiments. Measurements were taken every 5 s during trials. B: activation of motor neurons with dTRPA1. Black lines represent crawling speeds of GAL4 and UAS controls. *Significant difference in speed of animals expressing dTRPA1 in motor neurons under control of OK371-GAL4 from UAS controls; #Significant difference from GAL4 controls. Experimental animals are quickly immobilized by increasing surface temperature to 27°C (P < 0.05 for t = 20–170 s). Crawling speeds do not recover to those of GAL4 controls after temperature returns to normal levels (P < 0.05 for t = 190–270 s). C: activation of sensory neurons with dTRPA1. Experimental animals remain almost completely immobile at 27°C, whereas controls are unaffected (P < 0.05 for t = 20–170 s). In B and C, UAS control data are shown twice to facilitate comparison. Data are presented as means ± SE, and statistical significance was determined by ANOVA with Bonferonni post hoc test.