FIG. 2.
The impact of preprocessing and global regression on seed-based correlation maps. Z-score maps show voxels significantly correlated with various seed regions at 3 processing stages: no regression (left), movement, ventricle, and white matter regression (middle), and global regression (right). Histograms of voxel intensities for the 3 processing stages are shown to the right using blue (no regression), green (movement, vent and white matter), and red (global regression) lines. The location of each seed region is shown on the far left and include the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus (Pcc), area MT+ (MT), the somatomotor cortex (MC), and primary visual cortex (V1). Talairach slice coordinates for Z-score maps: z = 45 (Pcc); z = 36 (MT); z = 54 (MC); z = −6 (V1).