FIG. 5.
Robustness of TC estimates for unstimulated plant. A: effects on TCs of eye position at start of stimulation for subject B. Linear fits for short TC: y = −0.0001x + 0.023; for medium TC fit: y = −0.0004x + 0.96. B: effects on TCs of eye position at start of stimulation for subject C. Linear fits for short TC: y = −0.0002x + 0.027; for medium TC fit: y = 0.0001x + 0.93. C: effects on TCs of stimulation site. Each stimulation site was assigned a value corresponding to the mean normalized long TC component required to fit the mean offset of the traces produced by stimulating that site (methods). Linear fit for short TC: y = −0.0077x + 0.029; for medium TC fit: y = 0.022x + 0.10.