FIG. 5.
Time course of response enhancement. At each ICX site, responses to auditory-alone, visual-alone, and bimodal stimuli were binned at 1 ms and smoothed with a 15-ms running average. A: visual-alone (blue) and bimodal (red) data represent responses to stimuli presented at the azimuth that most closely matched the predicted auditory receptive field center for each site. Data were averaged across sites and normalized to the peak auditory (dashed black) response. B: time course of response enhancement: (bimodal response − auditory-alone response)/auditory-alone response. In each panel, the stimulus duration is indicated by the grey rectangle; the vertical dotted line is at 50-ms post-stimulus onset. Shaded grey region indicates the bootstrap SE. C: effect of varying the relative onset time of visual vs. auditory stimuli on response enhancement. In this experiment, 200-ms auditory and visual stimuli were presented (in contrast to the 500-ms stimuli used in other tests), and the response during the auditory stimulus is plotted. Error bars indicate the bootstrap SE.