Shox2 expression in the murine developing heart. (A) Shox2 expression is initially detected in the sinus venosus region (arrowhead) at E8.5 embryo. At E10.5 (B) and E11.5 (C), Shox2 expression gradually becomes restricted to the right side of the heart to the dorsal wall of the right atrium, the SAN region (arrow, C) and sinus valves (arrowheads, B, C). At E12.5 (D), restricted Shox2 expression in the SAN and sinus valves (arrowheads) is clearly observed. (E) Shox2 expression at E16.5 follows the same pattern as previous stages. (F) Whole mount in situ hybridization showing the expression of Shox2a isoform in the sinus venosus region (yellow arrowhead). A, atrium; V, ventricle; D, dorsal side.