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. 2009 May;64(5):421–425. doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322009000500009

Table 1 -.

Patient demographics

Crohn’s Disease Ulcerative Colitis IBS (Controls) P value
Number of pts 14 51 20 P>0.05
F/M 11/3 25/26 15/5 P<0.05
Age (mean) 41.71 40.88 46.85 P>0.05
Disease period (mean) 4.58 4.78 P>0.05
Smoking 7 (50%) 9 (17.6%) P>0.05
Complication 5 pts 11 pts P>0.05
Location of disease 8 small bowel (57.2%) 11 rectum (21.5%)
6 ileocecal (42.8%) 9 rectosigmoid (17.6%)
24 left colon (48%)
7 pancolitis (12.9%)