(A) Telomere length (left) and life span (right) analysis. Diploids (named “survivor diploids”, α−II+a) were obtained from mating BY4742 est2Δ type II survivor (MATα) with BY4741 (MATa) wild-type cells. (α+a) refers to wild-type diploids from mating BY4742 (MATα) with BY4741 (MATa). (Left) Genomic DNA was digested with 4 bp cutter (MspI, HaeIII, HinfI, AluI). (Right) Mean life span of strains shown: α+a, 35.1±10.9 (n = 60); α−II+a, 33.5±9.6 (n = 60). (B) Telomere length (left) and life span (right) analysis. Spores were dissected from the above “survivor diploids” and their genotypes were determined. (Left) Genomic DNA was digested with 4 bp cutter (MspI, HaeIII, HinfI, AluI). (Right) Mean life span of strains shown: wild-type, 27.0±11.1 (n = 60); EST2 spores, 26.8±8.9 (n = 60); est2Δ spores, 26.8±10.1 (n = 60).