Fig. 1.
Predicted and observed aftereffects. The predicted and observed results are presented for the cases in which the visual signal leads (upper row) and lags (lower row) the auditory signal. According to Prediction 1 (see the second column) and following the observation that visual stimuli can be attracted toward auditory stimuli in the temporal domain, specific modulations in visual RTs could be expected as a result of temporal recalibration. By contrast, RTs to auditory stimuli (see Prediction 2 in the second column) could be modulated by exposure to audiovisual asynchrony as a consequence of the fact that auditory (but not visual) arrival time is modulated by the distance of an event from the observed. The different predictions highlighted in this panel are, however, not exclusive. As the third column shows, we observed specific modulations of RTs only in participants' responses to auditory stimuli.