Figure 5.
Steriod signaling component expression is altered by temperature shift in the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). The left column (Panels A–L) depict gene expression following temperature shifts from MPT → FPT, for AR (A,B,C), aromatase (D,E,F), ERα (G,H,I), ERβ (J,K,L). The right column (Panels M-X) depict gene expression following temperature shift from FPT → MPT, for AR (M,N,O), aromatase (P,Q,R), ERα (S,T,U), ERβ (V,W,X). Temperature shifts occurred at Stage 17, and expression changes were assayed at Stage 19. For each box, horizontal arrows indicate continued incubation at the original temperature, while diagonal arrows indicate a shift to the opposite temperature. Abbreviations as in Figure 4. Redrawn from [67, 85].