Cell penetration of NYAD-1 and NYAD-13 in 293T cells. Representative confocal microscopy images of 293T cells incubated for 20 h at 37 °C with FITC-conjugated peptides. Upper panel: Left, differential interference contrast (DIC) image of cells with FITC-CAI; center, FITC fluorescent image of the same cells with FITC-CAI; and right, overlay of DIC and FITC fluorescent images. Middle panel: Left, DIC image of cells with FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-1; center, FITC fluorescent image of the same cells with FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-1; and right, overlay of DIC and FITC fluorescent images. Lower panel: Left, DIC image of cells with FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-13; center, FITC fluorescent image of the same cells with FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-13; and right, overlay of DIC and FITC fluorescent images. A total of 200 cells were scored in each treatment with FITC-CAI, FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-1 or FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-13. The percentage of cells in the population that exhibited the internal staining is shown at the bottom right of each panel (P < 0.001 for FITC-CAI versus FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-1 or FITC-β-Ala-NYAD-13).